€149,99 EUR

2 monthly payments

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C.I.A.R. 2 x Payments

Reclaim Your Artistry.


What this will do for you:

✔️ Be your guide to clarity, confidence, and control in your music career for years to come.

✔️ Give you the the freedom to find and express your authentic voice.

✔️ Give you the confidence to navigate the music industry.

✔️  Give you the control to turn your passion into a sustainable profession.


What you'll get:


✔️  A clear and authentic artist identity: Define who you are as an artist and how to communicate it effectively.

✔️ Confidence in your path: Navigate the complexities of the music industry with assurance and purpose.

✔️ Understand Connection: Learn to build meaningful relationships with like-minded musicians and collaborators.  

✔️ Understand PR and audience-nurturing: Promote your music authentically and reach your ideal audience.

✔️ A balanced approach: Maintain your well-being while pursuing your music career.

✔️ Understand monetization: Untangle the 'mystery' myths surrounding a musicians financial identity.


Upon purchase, you will gain immediate access to the first module of the course. All course materials and community features are available online, providing you with the flexibility to learn at your own pace.


Remember, investing in your education is investing in your future as an artist.